About DsBD
Design By Diamond
Established 2014, DsBD “Design By Diamond” is a brand design studio based in Salt Lake City, Utah. While growing up in the the skate/snow industry, owner and designer Nicholas D’Amico found a passion for powerful branding rooted in meaningful culture.
“It is not enough to just work around the industry, I want to help create it”
The best brands are rarely defined by what they do, but rather why they do it. Massimo Vignelli says it well, “You can reach timelessness if you look for the essence.” This is what Design By Diamond strives for: To help you find, and brand your “essence.” Considering more than what meets the eye, I want to explore your essential nature, and then, bring that nature to life with a visually stunning, meaningful showcase of your brand. With much trial and error, I have learned the fundamental importance of time and relationship. If you are a dreamer of the day and need some help bringing your vision to life, then I would love to work with you to make the world beautiful, together.
-Nicholas D’Amico